Sacrifice Wiki

Pyro 01


"I am Pyro. God of Fire. They will tell you I am God of Destruction and Chaos, but that's not really true. I am the spark of imagination and the engine of industry. I am the bringer of knowledge and the bearer of light." – Pyro, The Gods Themselves (Intermission)

Pyro is the god of fire. He controls the fiery islands of Pyroborea. Ideals for his servants, the Proles, are ingenuity and obedience. His wizards are called Sorcerers. His spellbook relies mostly on highly damaging yet fragile creatures and spells which deal large amounts of area-of-effect damage. Both creatures and spells often set their targets alight, doing damage over time.


"An excerpt from the Sacrifice Game Manual"

I am Pyro. God of Fire. They will tell you I am the god of Destruction and Chaos, but that is not entirely true. Pyro is the spark of imagination and the engine of industry. Pyro is the bringer of knowledge and the bearer of light.

Why do they slander me? Fear and jealousy. I expose their deficiencies. Persephone demands order. What is wrong with order, you say? Nothing, except when it really means fearfully clinging to the past and never taking the steps necessary to improve the world around you. Order cannot be allowed to stop Progress. Charnel promises everyone strife. He glories in it, or so he pretends. The truth is Charnel is afraid. He never builds anything because what if it doesn’t work? If he loses a battle, he says, "What does it matter? My creatures were already dead." Cowardice! Then there is Stratos. Stratos is more craven than Charnel--if that is possible. At least Charnel pretends to stand for something. Stratos hides behind a veneer of neutrality and a supposedly noble love of the truth. Pity him most of all; for his lies are innumerable and he believes them all. And as for the god of earth… don’t get me started on him.

They are jealous of what Pyro has wrought: The great furnaces of Pyroborea burn day and night, channeling the souls and life blood of my slaves into the creation of ever more powerful machines. Machines to make machines. Machines to fix machines. Machines to design machines. The slaves are only fuel, you see. Oh, I make no denials about its brutality, but you will come to appreciate brutality. Not the random mayhem of Charnel or the false justice of Persephone. No, the brutality of the crucible. Honest. Purifying. Inescapable.

There is an odor here, acrid and sulfurous. The medley of burning flesh and metal. How sweet is that aroma! Some call it pain and chaos, but it is progress plain and simple. I know you are not yet ready to appreciate it. I know it is frightening. You must burn away those parts of yourself that cannot love the smell of progress. Burn them utterly and savor the stench. All my followers do. It makes them strong. It makes them make me strong. If Pyro did not bring them progress, they would cast him aside and find a new god. That is as it should be.





Characters in Sacrifice
Gods Creator | Persephone | James | Stratos | Pyro | Charnel
Wizards Eldred | Shakti | Ambassador Buta | Abraxus | Jadugarr | The Ragman | Yogo
Grakkus | Seerix | Acheron | Hachimen | Charlotte | Sorcha | Marduk | Mithras
Heroes Gangrel | Astaroth | Sara Bella | Thestor | Faestus | Lord Surtur | Gammel | Toldor | Sirocco
Others Zyzyx | Athelas | Fallen One